Friday, December 8, 2006

The Life of a Rock

Here it is class. If you think that you have a good story about how a rock goes through the rock cycle and becomes a different type of rock go ahead and write it. These should be at least a paragraph in length and use vocabulary having to do with the rock cycle. If it makes sense and is well thought out, your reward will be a "Get out of Homework" pass. Let's get some positive input and collaboration. Can't wait to read some of your stories.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Sheridan I think I have one so here it is!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to tell you about a rock called Fredescalinski! Other wise know as fred.
Fred is an Igneous Rock and he is just a baby. One day he felt an earthquake. What he didn't know was that he was being pulled underground at an convergent boundary! He was there for about a million years! As he was just sitting there he was geting pushed on by thousand of pounds and a lot of heat! Eventually he got blasted out of volcano! He was now a metamorphic rock! He sat and sat there being weathered! Then a small erosion carried the the sediments. They got compact into a cement like rock, sedimentary rock.
Fred keeps changing into each rock it's like a cycle! Now you know about freds life and the ROCK CYCLE!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good job Emily. Very creative and well thought out. Things to keep in mind would be as follows. Igneous rocks when first formed are found around volcanoes. Most likely a new ("baby") igneous rock would not be at a convergent boundary. A convergent boundary is like the place where a rock's life ends, because it is going to be brought down underground and melted. Metamorphic rock can be formed from either sedimentary or igneous rocks as long as there is enough heat and pressure to form it. Good job Emily and we have our first person to receive a homework pass.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Sheridan,

Like you were saying yesterday Emilys printer broke. Is that why she is mailing her exra credit home work pass story to you? Or do we put ours on here too?

Anonymous said...

This blog is to get a free homework pass so anyone can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Emily!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Sheridan,

My Story Of The Rock Cycle

Once upon a time there was a little Metormorphic rock inside a volcano, and it got so hot in the mantle of the volcano that it got turned into magma! Then one day the little rock feels a earthquake and POW he gets shot out of the volcano and cools almost insintly,then like that hits the ground.This stage of his life is called an Igneous rock. Now he just sits there and waits and waits ans waits,while he is getting weathered and eroded!Now he is forming into a Sedimentary Rock and it is getting under pressure and getting turned back into Metormorphic Rocks.

This is my way of saying how the rock cycle works!


Anonymous said...

dear Mr.Sheridan,

Was my story good

i mean did it make any sence?


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Sheridan,

This is my story

Once apon a time a Sedimentary Rock was going down stream. The Sedimentary Rock is getting under pressure that he turned into a Metamorphic Rock. The Metamorphic Rock is inside a volcano now. The rock was being weathered and eroded. The volcano got so hot that the rock turned into magma. Then a earthquake happens and then the volcano erupts and the rock flew right out of the volcano and cooled quickly. The rock was now a Igneous Rock. That is what the Rock Cycle is!


Anonymous said...

Mr.Sheridan should i do essay instead?


Anonymous said...

Did you get my message mr. sheridan? Well any way I have a story for you. Here it is.

Once there was a rock named Max. He was just a Metamorphic rock . One day he got so hot he turned into magma. He was just sitting there inside a boiling hot volcano when whoosh he went flying out. He got really cold and and turned into solid rock really quick. Now he is an Igneous rock and waits for a long time while he is geting eroded and weathered. Now he is a Sedimentary rock and is getting pushed down by thousands and thousands of pressure and is getting heated up into a Metamophic rock all over again!

Well that was Max's life and you learned a thing or two about the rock cycle!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Sheridan, did my story make ANY sence at all!!!!


Anonymous said...

Mr.Sheridan can we use poster board for our rock cycle project?

Anonymous said...

Alrighty, good job to those who have posted stories. You all receive homework passes. I want you all to remember that when you talk about how rocks go from one stage to the next you need to use more of the vocabulary that you learned about. Also, when magma is in a volcano it is not a rock. When magma erupts it then turns into igneous rock. When talking about sedimentary rocks make sure to include words like lithification, sediment and deposition. Metamorphism only takes place deep in the ground with lots of pressure and heat. So how does a rock get close to heat? Think of plate tectonics. Remember convergent boundaries are where a rocks life ends. Keeping those things in mind, lets hear from more people.

Anonymous said...

OK... Heres my story of a rock.
There once was a rock named FredFred Burger but we'll call him Fred. Fred is a young igneous rock freshly shot out of a volcano. He sat in a spot right by the volcano and became brittle because he had become weathered. He eventuly became sediment. Years later he became a sedimentary rock. The place where he sat was under water next to a convergant bounderie. He got really hot and he noticed he had started to change. He relized he had become a metamorphic rock! Since he was on a convergant bounderie,he fell into the mantle because the oceanic plate was going under the continentle plate. He once again became a blotch of lava.

Sooooo... how was it?!

Anonymous said...

dear mr.sheridan this is my story of herman the 23!!!!

once upon aa time there was a metamorphic rock flowing down a stream.He then ended up in an ocean.he was in the ocean on a convergent plate boundry when he was subtucted into a volcanoe.there was so much heat in the volcanoe that he melted he then noticed shaking there was an earthquake then suddenly WHAM POW he was blasted out of the volcanoe and didn't cool all that quickly because of that he had many cyrtalls (crstallization).Herman is now an igneous rock.He erodes and weathers and deposits and lithifys and turns into a sedimentary rock and then goes all over again.

the end


Anonymous said...

so how was it mr.sheridan???????????

Anonymous said...

Do we have to write a story?????????????/

Anonymous said...

Do we have to write a story?????????????/

Anonymous said...

sorry Mr. Sheridan my computer screwed up.
Anyway do we have to write the story or is that not in the Rock Cycle project.

Anonymous said...

TJ you can write a story if you want a homework pass its your choice!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Seridan,
Im going to tell you about a rock called lopside. Lopside is a Igneous rock and he is an adolesant. One monday morning he was taking a walk when he just stopped and was being pulled under the ground. He new what this was a convergent boundery! He was sitting there for about 12,million years! he probaly was being punished because he was getting pushed around by a bunch of heat.
Than BAM! he got fired out of the valcono. And he turned into a metamorphic rock! He was being weathered all the time know! than an erosion carried all the sediments.they combined into a hard rock. This was called a sedimentary rock. Lopside kept changing back and forth but i guess that was his life! ~~~~~

Anonymous said...

Philip you have a real interesting story!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.SHeridan I think i have a pretty good idea of it!!

One day there was a rock named Rex, Rex was an IGNEOUS ROCK that was very small. While Rex was sitting on the ground he started to shake, little did he know that he was in a earth quake! Soon enough Rex was little ways in his long journey into the earth now he is known as a METOMORPHIC ROCK. Rex was sitting in the part of the earth called the mantle when he started to melt. After being melted he sat there for millions of years with thousands of pounds being pushed on him. Soon enough the volcano Rex was near got so hot that it spat Rex out. By the time Rex got far into the air he was already cooled and hardened. Finally Rex hit the ground and sat there for which seemed like forever! While sitting there Rex was being eroded and weathered. Rex had then started to be pushed underground again at a convergent plate boudary. While heading underground Rex had some loose material coming off him that had fallen called DEPOSITION to form a new solid or liquid, this is called LITHIFICATION. Soon Rex will be back in the ground to start his cycle all over again!
I hope you learned a few more things about the rock life cycle!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Sheridan,I think I have a good story. Here it is:

Once upon a time, there was a little metamorphic rock called Bob. Bob was just sitting under ground when suddendly, he began rising, and he melted into magma. Then, he felt an earthquake and then BAM! Bob got blasted into the air and hardened into an igneous rock. When he landed, he starting waiting. He waited for a long time while he was getting weathered and eroded into sediment. Then, he went through lithification and became a sedimentary rock. He was on the ocean floor being carried by a continental plate. He was carried under ground by the plate. Then, he went through metamorphism. Then, he felt enormous heat and tons of pressure. They turned him into lava. This kept happening to Bob! It was like a cycle he was always going through! That is the story of Bob the rock.

Josh Naar

So, did you like it?

Anonymous said...

25 commets thats really good guys. Keep it up