Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Global Warming Thoughts

After watching the movie 'Inconvenient Truth' by Al Gore, many of you probably have some thoughts about what we need to do in order to address the issue of global warming. Some of you may even be thinking that this global warming issue is not even an issue at all. Well, here is your chance to post your thoughts and earn some extra credit for it. Tell everyone your feelings and thoughts after watching the movie. Respond to others thoughts and always remember to keep the posts positive.

Friday, December 8, 2006

The Life of a Rock

Here it is class. If you think that you have a good story about how a rock goes through the rock cycle and becomes a different type of rock go ahead and write it. These should be at least a paragraph in length and use vocabulary having to do with the rock cycle. If it makes sense and is well thought out, your reward will be a "Get out of Homework" pass. Let's get some positive input and collaboration. Can't wait to read some of your stories.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

The Rock Cycle Project

Here is the blog that you can all use to earn extra credit on your project or use it to collaberate with your classmates. Parents are welcome to participate with their children and join in on the blog. Include things that you have learned thus far about the rock cycle and give website addresses to sites that have helped you in your understanding. Good luck and have fun.

Welcome to Mr. Sheridan's Class blog

Throughout the rest of the year we will be using blogs to increase our classroom participation grades. When posting blogs you need to click on the blog that you want to comment on and then click post in order to write your comments. All comments are then sent to me for review. If spelling and grammar are correct then it will be posted. Try to get your parents involved in some of our discussions. Have fun with this and I look forward to hearing from you all soon.